VAN GOGH Elizabeth Ripley


Author: Elizabeth Ripley
$19.99 1999
ISBN 97819489599368 pages8x10 inch color paperback
  • 607 Available
This listing includes the book with one set of prints for US orders. Extra sets may be ordered separately for $10 each  ($6 during our birthday sale). Elizabeth Ripley tells a warm, understanding story of the great artist Vincent van Gogh. His arduous life, his struggles against poverty, his determination to continue painting despite lack of recognition, are discussed with dignity and empathy. Much of the story is told by van Gogh himself, as his personality authentically emerges through letters written to family and friends. All paintings are in full color, with a few extra sketches and paintings new to this edition. Plus there is a bonus page in the back, but only US orders, when you get the book here from Purple House Press—page 68 showcases van Gogh's beautiful painting Almond Blossom. This edition of the book was printed on an offset printing press using 100# matte art paper (semi-gloss) with 12 pt covers. Books purchased from any other retailer are the print-on-demand edition, with a different isbn and printed on 70# non-glossy paper with 10 pt covers. Page 68 is blank, it does not feature Almond Blossom as an extra painting. And there are no prints. A set of eight 8x10 prints comes with the book, US only. The selected paintings are: Self-Portrait with Grey Felt Hat, Sunflowers (15 sunflowers with yellow background), The Zouave (half-figure), Bridge at Arles, The Potato Eaters, The Yellow House, The Bedroom, and the incomparable Starry Night. They're printed on 18 pt cardstock with a matte film lamination (the same coating on our jackets and covers) to help make them water resistant. The Woman Who Made van Gogh is an article well worth reading! Neglected by art history for decades, Jo van Gogh-Bonger, the painter’s sister-in-law, is finally being recognized as the force who opened the world’s eyes to his genius.

This listing includes the book with one set of prints for US orders. Extra sets may be ordered separately for $10 each  ($6 during our birthday sale).

Elizabeth Ripley tells a warm, understanding story of the great artist Vincent van Gogh. His arduous life, his struggles against poverty, his determination to continue painting despite lack of recognition, are discussed with dignity and empathy. Much of the story is told by van Gogh himself, as his personality authentically emerges through letters written to family and friends.

All paintings are in full color, with a few extra sketches and paintings new to this edition. Plus there is a bonus page in the back, but only US orders, when you get the book here from Purple House Presspage 68 showcases van Gogh's beautiful painting Almond Blossom. This edition of the book was printed on an offset printing press using 100# matte art paper (semi-gloss) with 12 pt covers.

Books purchased from any other retailer are the print-on-demand edition, with a different isbn and printed on 70# non-glossy paper with 10 pt covers. Page 68 is blank, it does not feature Almond Blossom as an extra painting. And there are no prints.

A set of eight 8x10 prints comes with the book, US only. The selected paintings are: Self-Portrait with Grey Felt Hat, Sunflowers (15 sunflowers with yellow background), The Zouave (half-figure), Bridge at Arles, The Potato Eaters, The Yellow House, The Bedroom, and the incomparable Starry Night.

They're printed on 18 pt cardstock with a matte film lamination (the same coating on our jackets and covers) to help make them water resistant.

The Woman Who Made van Gogh is an article well worth reading! Neglected by art history for decades, Jo van Gogh-Bonger, the painter’s sister-in-law, is finally being recognized as the force who opened the world’s eyes to his genius.