Henry the Castaway bargain book Mark Taylor & Graham Booth

Henry the Castaway bargain book

Author: Mark Taylor & Graham Booth
$9.50 $18.95 950
ISBN 978193090047948 pages9.5 x 9 inch hardcover
Henry and his dog, Laird Angus McAngus, were fearless explorers. One morning they set out to find an ocean. They took along Henry’s explorer’s kit and a special new flag from an old shirt. “It may be a long and dangerous trip,” he told his mother as they left. “I hope it won’t take all day,” she said. “Who knows?” replied Henry. “It could take a year!” And it might have. For like many explorers of oceans, Henry and Angus were cast up on island with no escape. But good explorers are prepared for everything. And these two proved more than equal to the dangers they met, though there were some very tough moments.

Henry and his dog, Laird Angus McAngus, were fearless explorers. One morning they set out to find an ocean. They took along Henry’s explorer’s kit and a special new flag from an old shirt.

“It may be a long and dangerous trip,” he told his mother as they left.

“I hope it won’t take all day,” she said.

“Who knows?” replied Henry. “It could take a year!”

And it might have. For like many explorers of oceans, Henry and Angus were cast up on island with no escape. But good explorers are prepared for everything. And these two proved more than equal to the dangers they met, though there were some very tough moments.