Keeper of the Bees
A war-torn World War I soldier hears the doctors give up hope for his recovery. He has a feeling that if he could live by the sea, get plenty of fresh air, exercise and sunshine, that he would begin to heal. So one day he slips out of the government hospital, and tottering toward the sea, he starts out weak and penniless on his Great Adventure.
Within a few days he finds a home, becomes a beekeeper in a lush California valley, and hurriedly becomes a bridegroom. Shortly after his strange marriage ceremony to a woman he met the previous evening, and to whom he had only spoken a few sentences, she hastily departs without a word of farewell.
With its rich nature lore, this gripping novel is a story the whole family will enjoy reading.
Four black & white paintings by Gordon Grant and numerous black and white line drawings by Lee Thayer, from the 1925 first edition.
Plumfields Moms have so much good information on Keeper of the Bees, including a book club podcast and a review. Take a look at them on their show notes page!
Favorite quotes:
"I'm not so sure that what I called a Great Adventure in jesting merely to hearten myself may not possibly prove to be more of an adventure than I've reckoned on." —Jamie MacFarland
"...if I understand the province of a friend at all it consists largely in keeping one’s mouth shut and doing the things that will be of most benefit." —Margaret Cameron